The following terms and conditions apply to the use of the allyz Website and Application ("allyz"). Please read them carefully before accepting and registering.






Welcome to allyz. Please read these Terms of Use ("TOU") carefully before using allyz. These TOU set forth the legal terms that apply to your use of this Website and/or Application and to your allyz membership if you create an account. By using allyz, you agree to these TOU, the Legal Notice and the Privacy Statement. If you do not agree with any part of these TOU and/or the Privacy Statement and/or the Legal Notice, please do not use allyz.

The terms "our" or "we" refer to the owner of allyz, whose company name is AP Solutions GmbH ("Allianz"), whose registered office is at Königinstraße 28, D-80802 MUNICH, registered with the Munich District Court, no. HRB 177695, VAT identification no. DE 275 992 658, (hereinafter "Allianz").

The term "you" refers to the user or person consulting/using allyz.



The purpose of allyz is to provide you with a range of online services in the areas of travel, home, cybercare and health. These are offered either directly by allyz or by third-party providers. Allianz is a registered insurance intermediary and can also offer you insurance products. 

Travel services are accessible during all stages of your journey. These services extend to trip related services, such as destination and flight information, as well as access to health services while travelling.

Home services are also available, such as referrals to tradesmen and housework services (payable on demand).

Finally, Cyber Care services might include access to Virtual Private Network (VPN) services or a password manager.

Some of the services mentioned will be free of charge and others will be chargeable or subject to additional charges. Where there are additional charges, this will be clearly indicated. The same applies to any additional terms and conditions that apply to certain services.

Different services will be available depending on your user status with some limited services available prior to registration and others if you upgrade to become an allyz or allyz plus member. The full range of current services on offer is described on allyz at the following link Allyz Services | Allyz - Allianz.



The services available on allyz are adapted according to the user's status. Depending on the particular area accessed (travel, home, various aids for daily life, cybercare, digital health tools), it is possible to have a different user status in several areas.

A user is defined as any natural person using allyz whether or not they have an account. As a user, you can have the status of :

Simple user

As a simple user (not registered), you can browse the allyz site and/or download the application.

Allyz member

As an allyz member, you have free access to certain services accessible via the following link Allyz Services | Allyz - Allianz. You can also access additional paid services.

Allyz Plus member

To become an allyz plus member, you must first have taken out an eligible insurance policy or have received access as a result of a promotion. We can also offer you access for a fee. As an allyz plus member, you have access to the full range of services available via the link Services Allyz | Allyz - Allianz.

Please note that when you pay to subscribe to an insurance contract or for the provision of a service when using allyz, this payment will in some cases be collected by a third-party supplier.



General changes to the GCU and the services offered to ordinary users and allyz members

We may make changes to these TOU, the Free Services or any part thereof where such changes are minor or objectively justified or are made for necessary legal or regulatory reasons ("General Changes"). Materially justified General Modifications may be made for security reasons (for example, in the event of technical developments or circumstances which may affect or compromise the provision of our services or systems in accordance with the Agreement), to improve the existing functionality of the Services or to add additional features to take account of technical progress, and to ensure the future functionality of the Services.

Changes to on-demand services

We may make changes to the on-demand services for which you pay from time to time. This may include removing a service, adding a service or changing the cost of the service. It may also include changing a specific feature of the service. A reason for this could include, but is not limited to, improving the overall customer experience. However, any changes to the on-demand services will only take effect once the services already booked have been finally paid for and executed.

Changes to allyz plus membership

We may adjust the services in the allyz plus membership at our discretion on the basis of objectively justified criteria. Insofar as you reside in Germany or German law applies, § 315 Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB) remains unaffected. [1]

Period of notice and effect of the above changes

If we make changes as set out above, we will notify you of these changes and the reasons for them in writing (e.g. by e-mail), at least 30 calendar days before the changes take effect. You may refuse the changes by terminating your account in accordance with clause 18 of these TOU. Your consent will be deemed to have been given if you have not closed your account within 30 calendar days of receiving information about the changes.

The changes will then take effect from the date on which we notify you in writing (e.g. by e-mail). At the beginning of this 30-day period, we will inform you of your right to close your account and of the effect of the approval if you do not close your account.

Any modification, including other modifications, based on your prior express consent is not affected by the provisions of this section 5. If any modification is found to be invalid, void or for any reason unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining modifications or conditions will not be affected.


[1] § 315

Determination of performance by a party

1) If performance is to be determined by one of the contracting parties, it shall be presumed, in case of doubt, that the determination is to be made on an equitable basis.

(2) The determination shall be made by declaration to the other party.

(3) If the determination is to be made in equity, it is binding on the other party only if it is equitable. If it is not equitable, the determination shall be made by judgment; the same applies if the determination is delayed.



You can browse allyz without registering. However, as indicated in paragraph 3 above, the use of certain services offered on allyz requires a one-time registration and a log in.

A user is defined as any person browsing the site, whether or not they have an account.

To register and use the Services, you must be at least 18 years old and confirm that you reside in France.

By logging in, you confirm that you have read and agree to be bound by the TOU. If certain features of one or more services are subject to additional conditions, provisions or directives, these will be communicated to you at the time of use.

As part of the login process, you must provide the necessary information. You are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your registration information, and for any failure to do so. You are solely responsible for any use of the services by you and any person you authorise to access the services. You may not sub-license, transfer, sell or assign your login information to any third party. Any attempt to do so will be null and void and will be considered a material breach of these TOU, and will result in the termination of your access to allyz.



When you use allyz, you have the following obligations:

a.       If you have reason to believe that your account is no longer secure (for example, loss, theft or unauthorised disclosure or use of your login details or the computer or mobile device used to access the Service), you must promptly:

                               i.            Contact us using the "Contact us" link below to deactivate your account. Need help ? Contact us | Allyz - Allianz or Need help? Contact us at allyz.   

                              ii.            Reset your password.

                             iii.            Reactivate your account.

                             iv.            Check that no unauthorised changes have been made to your account and report any potential problems to us so that we can try to detect any malicious actions.


b.       You are obliged to keep your data and other information collected during registration up to date. If these change, they must be updated in allyz without delay.

c.        You must not carry out any illegal acts with the help of allyz. 

d.        You agree not to add any unauthorised content or links to any part of allyz. Unauthorised access to allyz may give rise to a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.

e.        Subject to final judgement by the relevant legal authorities you may be required to indemnify us against all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses incurred as a result of any third party claim, howsoever caused, arising out of your unauthorised use of or interference with allyz.

f.        In the event that you download or print any content from allyz, you agree not to use such content for any commercial purpose without our prior written consent. Furthermore, you agree not to alter, adapt or degrade any downloaded material in any way, and/or in such a way as to misrepresent the source of such content as belonging to anyone other than https://fr.allyz.com/.

g.       You agree to implement adequate security protection to prevent infection, viruses, spyware, malware and/or other harmful code on the equipment you use to access or download from allyz. Accordingly, we will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from a virus or other malicious software on your computer equipment, programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of allyz or to your downloading of content from allyz.

Additional obligations when using allyz Vault

The allyz Vault feature allows you to download a limited number of copies of documents and other content that you prefer to have access to at all times (e.g. passport copy, vaccination record). By downloading, you agree that allyz may store the content you download in the application. If you wish to store copies of payment cards such as credit cards in the Vault, please note that you are not permitted to store custom security features such as PINs, TANs or other security features that may be used to authorise payments.

You may not upload content that may compromise the security and integrity of the Vault's technical infrastructure, or the data stored in the Vault. If you believe any content you download may damage the Vault's technical infrastructure, you must notify us immediately.

In addition, you may not upload content that violates applicable law, in particular criminal law, or official requirements, or that infringes the rights of third parties. 

If there is reasonable suspicion of an imminent or actual breach of our TOS, as well as claims by third parties that are not manifestly unfounded, we are entitled, taking into account their legitimate interests, to refuse to provide you with the service in whole or in part or to discontinue it (including terminating or deactivating your access to allyz and its associated products and services) and to remove illegal content. We will promptly notify you by e-mail of any restriction of our service. You are obliged to provide us immediately with all information necessary for the clarification of the facts and to co-operate in the clarification of the facts to the extent required. In addition, you indemnify us against any third-party claims and associated costs.



Allianz is the owner or licensee of all intellectual property in allyz, including any content provided by Allianz in connection with allyz ("allyz content"), the software underlying allyz, connected systems, text, graphics, icons and audio and video used, if any.

You are only authorised to access and use allyz, including its content, within the scope of and in accordance with the provisions of these TOU and with regard to the use of allyz - in accordance with its functionalities. In this respect, Allianz grants you a limited, simple and non-transferable right to use allyz for the duration of the usage relationship.

Except to the extent permitted by mandatory law or these TOU, you may not, without Allianz's prior written consent

(a)        edit, transform, adapt, translate, reproduce, publish, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer the source code of allyz or any part thereof, or otherwise discover the source code or create derivative works therefrom,

(b)        use any allyz content beyond its intended use in allyz, in particular insofar as this is not possible on allyz through the corresponding functionality,

(c)        use allyz for purposes other than its intended use (e.g. download button) to store, reproduce or transmit to third parties (e.g. by offering them on file-sharing platforms, on Internet/video sites or on the Internet) peer-to-peer networks or to support such acts, 

(d)        systematically use Allianz content for the purpose of re-using extracts (for example, by means of data mining, robots or similar data collection/extraction programmes),

(e)        remove, alter or obscure copyright notices, logos and other marks or protective notices on the Application, or

(f)         use allyz for commercial purposes in a manner that competes with the allyz website/application.



9.1 Allyz contains content which is owned by or licensed to us ("Intellectual Property Rights"). Such content includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, style, look, appearance, documents, content and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited in accordance with these terms of use. Nothing in these terms of use grants you any right, title or interest in or to any of the Intellectual Property Rights in or to any content published on our website/app except as strictly necessary for the use of the website/app in which case your right to use allyz content shall be non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable and strictly limited to the duration and scope of these TOU. You agree to comply with all applicable laws relating to intellectual property rights in connection with allyz , regardless of the jurisdiction in which you access allyz.

9.2 With the exception of your personally identifiable information, any information, ideas, questions, comments, suggestions or materials you submit to us, such as advertising, promotions, contests, products, services, devices, processes, trademarks, logos, music, photographs or videos ("Content"), whether electronic or otherwise, will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. By submitting Content, you confirm that it is free of third-party rights, and you grant us a right and a licence for the duration stipulated by the regulations in force. 

This does not apply to your personally identifiable information, to information uploaded to your Vault or that you share with us via the "contact us" form. Do you need help? Contact us at Allyz - Allianz or Need help? Contact us at allyz.

9.3 All other Intellectual Property Rights not owned by Allianz which appear on allyz are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to or sponsored by Allianz.



All information, materials and concepts on or contained within allyz are owned exclusively by us and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights held by us. They may not be represented or reproduced separately. You may not modify or attempt to modify or change any information, material or concepts on or contained in this web site, or access or use allyz other than for the purpose of lawfully using the services offered on this web site.



Protecting your data is very important to us. Insofar as we process personal data within allyz, this is done exclusively in accordance with the relevant data protection regulations. For more details on data protection, please refer to the complete privacy notice, which you can access in allyz at the following link Privacy statement | Allyz - Allianz.



For more information on our cookies policy, please consult: Cookie Policy | Allyz - Allianz.



Allyz contains links to other websites of partners, Allianz Group companies and Allianz subsidiaries which implement some of the services offered to you ("external websites"). The services provided and the content of third-party websites, resources or media are the sole responsibility of these partners.

We are not responsible for the content, applications, policies and confidentiality practices (security or otherwise) of these partners' websites or for any loss or damage that may result from your use of them. External websites are the responsibility of their respective publishers. When the External Websites were first linked, Allianz checked their design and external content ("External Content") to ensure that there was no breach of the law. To date, no breach of the law has been identified. Allianz has no influence on the current and future design of external websites and their third-party content. The inclusion of links does not imply that Allianz endorses the design of the linked external websites or the linked third-party content; Allianz cannot reasonably be expected to constantly monitor external websites linked to its own without concrete findings of legal violations . However, if Allianz becomes aware of any such violations, it will immediately remove the links in question. You are requested to notify Allianz of any legal violations (including possible legal violations) that you become aware of on external websites.

We invite you to read carefully the privacy notice and the cookies policy, hereinafter referred to as "Policies", of the websites you visit and/or use in order to understand their data collection and processing Policies for the provision of their respective services.



14.1 Subject to a final judgement by the competent legal authorities, we may be liable to pay damages in accordance with applicable legal provisions in the event of a culpable breach of an essential contractual obligation which was decisive for you in concluding the contract. These are essential obligations, the breach of which jeopardises the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract, as well as all obligations, the fulfilment of which is a precondition for the proper performance of the contract when using the website/application and on the observance of which you can regularly rely. Insofar as the breach of an essential contractual obligation was only slightly negligent and did not result in injury to life, body or health, the amount of claims for damages is limited to the reasonably foreseeable damage.

 14.2 In addition, subject to final judgement by the competent legal authorities, we may be liable to reimburse costs and damages in accordance with the applicable legal provisions in the following cases:

  • for losses caused by culpable injury to life, body or health,
  • to the extent of any warranty assumed,
  • in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act,
  • in cases of intent and gross negligence,
  • in the event of fraudulent misrepresentation, and,
  • in all other cases of compulsory legal liability.

14.3 Any further liability of Allianz for damages or reimbursement of unnecessary costs is excluded, even in cases of slight negligence. 

14.4 In the event of force majeure, which results in the temporary impossibility of performance, Allianz shall be entitled to delay the performance of the obligation to perform for the duration of the impossibility and for a reasonable recovery period. Force majeure" is understood to mean, in particular, hacker attacks, machine and power failures and data transmission disruptions. 

14.5 The transmission of data via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be completely secure. Allianz guarantees adequate protection of your data within the scope of technical possibilities. Nevertheless, any transmission of data to allyz takes place at your own risk. 

14.6. We are not responsible for the performance of a third party service or its quality, even if they are booked / accessible via allyz.



We always endeavour to ensure that allyz is available without interruption and that transmissions are error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet, this cannot be guaranteed. In addition, your access to allyz may occasionally be interrupted or limited to allow for repairs, maintenance or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any such temporary interruption or restriction.

In any event, we will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from the temporary suspension or loss of access to allyz or any individual component of allyz, for any reason whatsoever.

The provisions relating to liability set out in Article 14 of these TOU remain unaffected by the provisions of this Article 15.



You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless against any loss, claim, damage or expense arising from your breach of these terms of use.



If any part of these TOU is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that part will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining portions. Any failure by us to enforce any of our rights or remedies under these TOU or otherwise shall not be construed as a waiver by us of any such rights or remedies.



18.1 Duration

Once the registration process has been completed, a contract for the use of allyz is considered to have been concluded. How long your account remains active depends on your status:

a) For allyz members :

Once created, your account will be active for as long as you keep it active, by logging in to it, in accordance with the rules described in these Terms of Use.

b) For allyz plus members :

If you become an allyz plus member as a result of taking out an Allianz Travel insurance policy or promotional campaign, your allyz plus membership will be active for the duration determined and communicated by the relevant promotional campaign, or will be active from the start date of your travel insurance policy until its end date, after you have requested activation of your account. Once the relevant promotional campaign has ended, if you are not eligible for any other applicable promotion or promotional campaign and/or if you do not have a current eligible insurance policy in accordance with the paragraph above, or if you do not subscribe to this status via paid membership, your allyz plus membership will end and you will become an allyz member, subject to the applicable terms and conditions set out in these TOU.

If you become an allyz plus member via paid membership, the term of membership is valid for the period specified at the time of joining. Once the term has expired, if you are not eligible for any other applicable promotional campaign and/or if you do not have a current eligible insurance policy in accordance with the paragraph above, or if you do not renew your paid membership, your allyz plus membership will terminate and you will become an allyz member, subject to the applicable terms and conditions set out in these TOS.


18.2 Termination of contract

a) You can cancel your allyz membership at any time without giving any reason.

Account closure: You may close your account at any time by notifying us. You can do this by contacting us using the contact form: Contact us , or by going to your account and changing your membership settings. Do you need help? Contact us | Allyz - Allianz or Need help? Contact us at allyz.

The consequences of such closure will mean that you will no longer be able to access your allyz account and associated online services; however, where you have booked services via your allyz account, these will be performed, subject to the validity of your service contract with the external provider. 


b) Right of termination: We are entitled to close your account and therefore terminate the contract relating to the allyz "Benefits Programme" without giving any particular reason , but not before the end of your allyz plus member term. In this case, we will give you at least thirty (30) days' notice. 


c) In any event, your allyz account may be closed with immediate effect if there is good cause, i.e. if the person giving notice cannot reasonably be expected to continue the contractual relationship until the notice period has expired, taking into account all the circumstances of the individual case and weighing up the interests of both parties. § Section 314 BGB [2] applies accordingly. Allianz is deemed to have good cause, in particular if :

         i.          Contrary to your assertions, you are not yet 18;

        ii.          You are in serious breach of your contractual obligations under these TOU, in particular if there is a suspicion of misuse of the website/application; 

       iii.          You are in breach of the prohibition on transfer in accordance with Article 6 of the TOU;

       iv.          You breach any legal or contractual provisions in the performance of your payment obligations.

d) Your account will not be deleted until all services have been definitively paid for and carried out.


18.3. Inactive and non-activated accounts 

a) Inactive accounts: If you do not log in to your account and it therefore becomes inactive for two (2) years, we will send you a communication to remind you of this inactivity and give you the opportunity to reactivate your account. If you do not reactivate your account, your account will be closed within six (6) months of the date of dispatch of the communication.

b) Accounts not activated: when you register with allyz, you will receive a confirmation link that allows you to activate your account. If you do not activate your account immediately by clicking on the link provided, you have fifteen (15) days to do so. You will receive reminders during this period. If you do not activate your account within fifteen (15) days, your account will be considered non-existent (i.e. not created).


[2] § 314

Termination of continuing obligations for cause

(1) Either party may terminate a continuing obligation for cause without notice. A material reason exists if the terminating party cannot reasonably be expected, having regard to all the circumstances of the particular case and weighing up the interests of both parties, to continue the contractual relationship until the agreed termination or until the expiry of a period of notice.

(2) If the important reason is the breach of a contractual obligation, termination shall only be permitted after the unsuccessful expiry of a remedy period or after an unsuccessful warning. Article 323(2)(1) and (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the setting of a time-limit for the remedy and to the issuing of a warning. The setting of a time limit for the remedy and the giving of a warning shall also be dispensable if there are special circumstances which, after weighing up the interests of both parties, justify immediate termination.

(3) The beneficiary may only terminate the contract within a reasonable period of time after becoming aware of the reason for termination.

(4) The right to claim damages is not excluded by termination.



These terms of use and any disputes arising from this website/application or its documents shall be governed by and construed in accordance with German law. German law shall apply exclusively to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. The place of performance is Munich.

If you are a consumer ordinarily resident in the EU, you are also protected by the mandatory provisions of the law of your country of residence (France). You may choose to bring claims in relation to these General Terms and Conditions of Use under the consumer protection laws of Germany and the EU Member State in which you are ordinarily resident.

You may take legal action before the competent court in your place of residence or in Munich. If we take legal action against you, we will take you to court in your place of residence.

Allianz does not participate in dispute resolution procedures before consumer arbitration boards. These terms and conditions of use govern in full the contractual obligations of the user and Allianz.



If you have any complaints or queries, please visit our customer contact page, Contact formDo you need help? Contact us | Allyz - Allianz or Need help? Contact us at allyz.

These Terms of Use have been revised for the last time and come into force on 1 September 2023.